Investor FAQ
On what exchange does Chimera stock trade?v
The Company’s common and preferred stock is traded on the NYSE.
What is Chimera’s ticker symbol?v
Chimera common stock: CIM
Chimera preferred series A stock: CIM.PRA
Chimera preferred series B stock: CIM.PRB
Chimera preferred series C stock: CIM.PRC
Chimera preferred series D stock: CIM.PRD
What is Chimera’s CUSIP number and ISIN number?v
The CUSIP number for Chimera’s common stock is 16934Q208
The ISIN number for Chimera’s common stock is US16934Q2084
Who is Chimera’s stock transfer agent?v
Transfer Agent
Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
P.O. Box 43078
Providence RI 02940-3078
877 239-3308
Where can I find dividend information?v
Click “Dividend History” for more information.
Does Chimera have a Dividend Reinvestment Plan (DRIP)?v
Chimera’s transfer agent, Computershare Trust Company, N.A. administers our Dividend Reinvestment Plan for investors wishing to reinvest dividends in additional shares of our common stock.
Click “Dividend Reinvestment Plan” for more information.
Where can I find tax information?v
Click “Dividend Tax Information” for more information.
Does Chimera issue a Schedule K-1 or Form 1099-DIV?v
Chimera’s transfer agent or each investor’s broker issues a Form 1099-DIV to report the dividend. Chimera does not issue a Schedule K-1.
When is Chimera’s Annual Meeting?v
Sign up for email alerts here to be notified immediately after release. Upon release, Chimera’s upcoming annual meeting information can be viewed on the Events page.
When is Chimera’s next quarterly earnings conference call?v
Sign up for email alerts here to be notified immediately after release. Upon release, Chimera’s upcoming earnings conference call information can be viewed on the Events page.
When and where was Chimera incorporated?v
Chimera was incorporated in Maryland on June 1, 2007 and commenced operations on November 21, 2007.
Who is Chimera’s independent auditor?v
Chimera’s independent auditor is Ernst & Young LLP.
How do I contact Investor Relations?v
Chimera Investment Corporation
630 Fifth Avenue, Suite 2400
New York, NY 10111