Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA published final financial data (IFRS) for 2006

Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA / Final Results
Release of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

++ Final financial data (IFRS) for 2006 published

++ Whole year closes with record net income of EUR 11.0 million
++ Positive outlook on 2007 

In the last quarter of the last fiscal year, Heliad Equity Partners confirmed its growth trend, thus concluding the most dynamic and profitable year in the history of the company.

In line with the report published today, the company booked income of EUR 2.51 million in fiscal 2006 Euro (previous year: EUR 0.15 million) and other operating income of EUR 13.90 million Euro (previous year: EUR 2.71 million), which resulted primarily from the successful IPOs of ItN Nanovation, MAGNAT Real Estate Opportunities and CfC Industriebeteiligungen as well as the respective full sale of holdings in Berlin Heart and C-QUADRAT. Against income there were expenses totalling almost EUR 5.88 million (previous year: EUR 0.92 million) which resulted from write-downs on current and non-current assets of EUR 1.98 million and other operating expenses of EUR 3.90 million. The non-recurring expenses of EUR 4.30 million in connection with the successfully implemented capital increases IAS 32,37 was charged against equity in line with IAS 32,37. Thus equity totalled EUR 90.03 million to 30 December 2006.

After taking the positive financial result of EUR 0.47 million into account, the company reported a period result of EUR 11.01 million according to IFRS (previous year: EUR 1.95 million). On the basis of average outstanding shares last year, earnings per share were EUR 0.27 (previous year: EUR 0.20). To the year end, cash and cash equivalents totalled EUR 44.94 million (previous year: EUR 6.53 million).
During 2006, Net Asset Value (NAV) increased considerably from EUR 1.19 to EUR 1.29 per share, despite the significant broadening of the share basis. In addition to capital increase induced external growth, organic growth also made a material contribution to the expansion of the company.
For the coming quarters, the management expects stronger investment activity. Currently, transactions totalling EUR 41.5 million are at the stage of concrete negotiation or intensified examination. The individual investment amounts range between EUR 4 million and EUR 15 million. If the examinations and negotiation result is positive, then investments would be made in the areas of real estate, regenerative energies, environment and business services.

As positively the existing portfolio develops, which currently consists of ten holdings. Including the aforementioned potential new investments management expects from this portfolio at least three IPOs or trade sales during 2007.

Against this background, and with the economic environment remaining stable, management expects that the strong operating growth can be retained. Net income in 2007 should therefore well exceed the earnings reported in 2006. Besides, management intends to establish from 2007 onwards a dividend policy.

Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA 
Christiane Kriesche
Leiterin Marketing & Kommunikation
Grüneburgweg 18
60322 Frankfurt

Tel.: +49(0)69 719 15 965 17
Fax: +49(0)69 719 15 965 89
E-Mail: christiane.kriesche@sigma-capital.de

DGAP 28.02.2007 

Language:     English
Issuer: Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA               Grüneburgweg 18
              60322 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland
Phone:        +49 (0)69 719 15 965 0
Fax:          +49(0)69 719 15 965 11
E-mail: christiane.kriesche@sigma-capital.de WWW:          www.heliad.de
ISIN:         DE0006047293
WKN:          604729
Listed: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr in Berlin-Bremen, München, Stuttgart  
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