Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA / Miscellaneous/Miscellaneous
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As of 31th December 2006, the Net Asset Value of Heliad Equity Partners
was EUR 1.29 per share. Compared to November, the Net Asset Value of
December increased by 5 Cent per share, which reflects the successful IPO
of CFC Industriebeteiligungen as well as the stable development of the
entire portfolio of Heliad.
The following overview shows the performance of the Net Asset Value, the
share price and their relationship since the introduction of monthly
reporting as of 30th June 2006. Within this period, the NAV increased by 11
Cent, which represents a performance of approximately 10% within 6 months.
Date NAV Share Price Premium (+)/ Discount (-)
31.12.2006 1,29 1,21 -6,2%
30.11.2006 1,24 1,24 +0,0%
31.10.2006 1,28 1,29 +0,8%
30.09.2006 1,28 1,29 +0,8%
31.08.2006 1,27 1,22 -3,9%
31.07.2006 1,27 1,21 -4,7%
30.06.2006 1,18 1,27 +7,6%
+++ On Net Asset Value
The Net Asset Value is calculated on the basis of the 70,000,000
outstanding shares of the share capital on the reporting date. The
valuations are in line with the International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) on interim reporting and the International Private Equity and
Venture Capital Valuation Guidelines of the respective national private
equity umbrella organisations. Participations in non-listed participations
are carried at fair value. Valuations of listed participations are
calculated at market value. The Net Asset Value of Heliad Equity Partners
is calculated to the end of the month and published in the following
+++ About Heliad
Heliad Equity Partners (WKN: 604 729) is a private equity firm that
concentrates mainly on companies in the German-speaking countries.
Investments are made in companies that are in a strong expansion period or
a special situation. The aim is to produce an above-average risk/return
ratio for the shareholders. The investor thus intensively participates
with Heliad in the expansion opportunities not only of the traditional
German middle class but also of aspiring German technological
Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA
Christiane Kriesche
Leiterin Marketing & Kommunikation
Grüneburgweg 18
60322 Frankfurt
Tel.: +49(0)69 719 15 965 17
Fax: +49(0)69 719 15 965 17
E-Mail: christiane.kriesche@sigma-capital.de
DGAP 11.01.2007
Language: English
Issuer: Heliad Equity Partners GmbH & Co. KGaA
Grüneburgweg 18
60322 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland
Phone: +49 (0)69 719 15 965 0
Fax: +49(0)69 719 15 965 11
E-mail: christiane.kriesche@sigma-capital.de
WWW: www.heliad.de
ISIN: DE0006047293
WKN: 604729
Listed: Geregelter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard); Freiverkehr
in Berlin-Bremen, München, Stuttgart
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