Datacolor in fiscal 2015/16

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Datacolor in fiscal 2015/16


Sales rise to USD 69.3 million – EBIT reaches USD 6.2 million and net income USD 6.0 million


In fiscal 2015/16, Datacolor’s net sales rose by 4% to USD 69.3 million (2014/15: USD 66.8 million) and in local currency even by 7%. The successfully implemented efficiency and cost reduction programs, beside the sales growth, have also had a positive impact in comparison to the weaker previous year. EBITDA amounted to USD 8.7 million (USD 6.6 million), EBIT increased to USD 6.2 million (USD 4.4 million) and net income to USD 6.0 million (USD 3.2 million). The EBITDA margin reached 12.6% (9.9%) and the EBIT margin 9.0% (6.5%). Datacolor has, including its financial assets, a substantial net cash position of USD 32.6 million and a solid equity ratio of 63% (September 30, 2015: 63%).


The detailed annual report 2015/16 will be published on November 15, 2016.


Lucerne, October 21, 2016




For further information


T +41 44 488 40 19

Datacolor AG, Investor Relations, Gisela Heel

Waldstaetterstrasse 12, POBS 2541, CH-6002 Lucerne





November 15, 2016

Publication Annual Report 2015/16

December 6, 2016

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2015/16