The Annual General Meeting of Datacolor AG approved all proposals of the Board of Directors on December 12, 2014 in Lucerne. The meeting of the shareholders approved a dividend of CHF 11 per share. The dividend will be distributed on December 19, 2014.
According to the new ordinance against excessive compensation in listed joint stock companies (VegüV), all previous Board Members stood in for a tenure of one year and were re-elected. Werner Dubach was re-elected as president of the Board of Directors. Dr. Peter Beglinger and Dr. Fritz Gantert were elected as members of the compensation committee and Franz Müller as independent proxy. KPMG AG, Lucerne, was re-elected as statutory auditor for fiscal 2014/15.
The General Meeting approved all amendments to the by-laws. The company’s conditional capital was increased to CHF 16’804 for the purpose of employee participation.
Lucerne, December 12, 2014
For further information
T +41 44 488 40 19
Datacolor AG, Investor Relations, Gisela Heel
Waldstaetterstrasse 12, POB 2541, CH-6002 Lucerne
May 7, 2015
Publication Semi-annual Report 2014/15
October 30, 2015
Publication Annual Result 2014/15
November 13, 2015
Publication Annual Report 2014/15
December 10, 2015
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014/15